Saturday 26 April 2014

Yeay! Finally my research title has been accepted!

So this will be my research title, ROs and RQs.

Topic Area: Teaching Literature (Short Stories) in ESL Classrooms. 

Research Problem: Effectiveness of Integrated Approach to teach literature (short stories) in ESL classrooms. 

Research Objectives:
1. To study the effectiveness of using integrated approach (based on gain score) in teaching short stories in ESL classroom.

2. To examine the students' perception of the use of integrated approach in teaching short stories in ESL classroom.

Research Questions:
1. Is there any differences on the gain score between using the integrated approach in teaching literature (short stories) in ESL classrooms compared to using the traditional approach?

2. What are the students' perception of the use of integrated approach in teaching literature (short stories) in ESL classrooms?

Saturday 5 April 2014

Assigned Task 1 (cont.) and End Note

The second response that I received was regarding the term strength and weaknesses that I used in my RO and RQ. I might have overlooked this when I wrote it in the first place. I don't think it's a good idea to put strength and weaknesses in 1 objective statement because both items are totally contradict each other. And furthermore how to actually measure strength and weaknesses. I wonder whether there is a way of doing it but I could not figure it out.

Perhaps by putting "Effectiveness" remarks, Dr. Teoh was trying to get me focused on measuring only the strength and yes, strength of certain approach could be measured by how effective the approaches is. Ok. Will consult her in the next class.

By the way, we were introduced to End Note today. Basically EndNote is used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays, articles or research.